Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day 4)

Day Four: Changed by the Lord’s Victory over Evil (Sat., Jan. 21)
Ex 23:1-9; Psalm 1; Romans 12:17-21; Matthew 4:1-11

This day takes us deeper into the struggles against evil. Victory in Christ is an overcoming of all that damages God’s creation, and keeps us apart from one another. In Jesus we are called to share in this new life, struggling with him against what is wrong in our world, with renewed confidence and with a delight in what is good. In our divisions we cannot be strong enough to overcome evil in our times. For reflection: 1. Where do we see evil in our own lives? 2. In what way can our faith in Christ help us to overcome evil and the Evil One? 3. What can we learn from situations in our community where division has given way to reconciliation?

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank You for Your victory over evil and division. We praise You for Your sacrifice and Your resurrection that conquer death. Help us in our everyday struggle against all adversity. May the Holy Spirit give us strength and wisdom so that, following You, we may overcome evil with good, and division with reconciliation. Amen.

Adapted for First Presbyterian Church Lake Crystal by Pastor Randy from materials published by The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches:
< /documents/p2/2011/WOP2012eng.pdf >

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