Thursday, October 3, 2013

Blessed are the meek (Proverbs 3)

Dear God, 

Well, this is embarrassing. I just spent some time explaining (with great rhetorical flourish and a variety of logical proofs) why my perspective on an issue was (totally) right. And, of course, why his perspective was flawed at best. And then, after sharing my wealth of wisdom, I turned to Proverbs 3. Perhaps I would find yet more justification for my position on the issue fresh in my mind. 

Put all your trust in the LORD
and do not rely on your own understanding.
Think of him in all your ways,
and he will smooth your path.
Do not think how wise you are,
but fear the LORD and turn from evil.
Do not pick a quarrel with a man for no reason,
if he has not done you a bad turn.
Though God himself meets the arrogant with arrogance,
yet he bestows his favour on the meek.

~Proverbs 3:5-7, 30, 34 (NEB)

So here I am again, God, to confess my Sin with a capital "S" which to me looks like self-centeredness, self-justification, self-reliance, self-satisfaction, self-TRUST. It looks like me, me, me, me, me... thinking all-too-often of how wise I am... when I know deep down... that I am my best and truest self when I put all my trust in you, and lean not on my own understanding.  

Sometimes I feel too old to be learning these lessons I thought I had learned long ago. Too old to be saying, "Lord, have mercy on me" for the same old same old. Too old to be failing again and again on my spiritual Iowa Basic Skills tests. 

Lord, I cannot bear the Proverbs without the Psalms. Thank you for putting them in such close proximity. 

Out of the depths have I called to thee, O LORD;
Lord, hear my cry.
Let thy ears be attentive
to my plea for mercy.
If thou, LORD, shouldest keep account of sins,
who, O Lord, could hold up his head?
But in thee is forgiveness,
and therefore thou art revered.
I wait for the LORD with all my soul,
I hope for the fulfillment of his word.
My soul waits for the Lord
more eagerly than watchmen for the morning.
Like men who watch for the morning,
O Israel, look for the LORD.
For in the LORD is love unfailing,
and great is his power to set men free.
He alone will set Israel free
from all their sins.

~Psalm 130 (NEB)    


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